Returns / Exchanges FAQ

We make returns easy!
What items are returnable?
  • 60-day return policy, which means you have 60 days after receiving your item to request a return.
  • Items must be unused and re-sellable. You can also return any defective items.
  • When possible please return your items in the original packaging with all the tags intact.
  • Please include your invoice.
  • Not all requests for returns are accepted; all return requests must go through an approval process.
What items and exceptions are non-refundable?
  • Certain types of items cannot be returned, like undergarments. Please get in touch if you have questions or concerns about your specific item.
  • Gift cards.
Damage, loss, or theft issues
  • If the purchased product is faulty, reach out to us within 7 days of the delivery date.
  • If you believe the purchased product is lost or stolen, Please collect evidence and contact us immediately.
The fastest way to ensure you get what you want is to return the item you have. Once the exchange request is approved, the replacement item will be shipped to you.
Refund solutions
  • Refund to original payment method.
  • Refund to store gift card.
How soon will I get my refund?
  • After your return has been processed, you will receive a refund notice from us and it will take an additional 5-10 business days for the refund to be returned to your original payment method. The refund to the store credit is immediate.
  • If more than 15 business days have passed since we’ve approved your return and you haven't received a replacement or a refund, please contact us at or call us at 856-769-1761 during business hours. We are happy to help you!

Need to start a return / Exchange?

Click Here